Frequently Asked Questions

Q: We have always drained our pool. What made this important now?
A: The traditional expense and waste of pool water is no longer necessary. The AquaZerve® system provides an environmentally sound alternative.
AquaZerve® Company’s research findings led us to a crucial realization. We all know the Southwest is hot. And, while people love swimming pools, the traditional water-waste practices established decades ago are no longer practical. Forward-thinking water resource management by local governments is practical and has never been more important. There is no excuse for intentional massive water waste in regions like ours with limited water resources. The days of needlessly draining and wasting millions of gallons of swimming pool water can be over at a substantial savings to all pool owners. The AquaZerve solution provides the pool owner substantial savings in water, maintenance, convenience, and environmentally positive peace-of-mind.

Q: How does AquaZerve® also provide irrigation to my landscaping?
A: AquaZerve® is an environmental solution that recycles the once wasted water from your swimming pool.
AquaZerve turns once-wasted pool water into a closed-circuit irrigation system, where the water first runs through the pool, and then gets repurposed for local area vegetation. This small but constant freshwater feed ensures you never have to periodically drain your pool due to high TDS (total dissolved solids). Not only does AquaZerve® save the cost of water that would be wasted during the draining process, it also saves you the money for water that you would have purchased for the plants AquaZerve® irrigates for you.

Q: How long does the system take to install?
A: Your professional pool technician will install the AquaZerve System Device in-line after the pool filter on your pool equipment, secure the tube and AquaZerve® filter assembly, and test and adjust the flow in approximately fifty minutes or so. The Irrigation Line placement and emitter distribution will take another thirty minutes or so depending on your landscaping accessibility and layout.

Q: Now I can irrigate some of my landscaping with pool water?
A: Yes. Absolutely.
Concerned about the chlorine in the pool water affecting your landscape vegetation? Don’t worry! The notion that chlorinated pool water harms vegetation is entirely false. When chlorine comes in contact with oxygen, it immediately returns to its gaseous state and dissipates into the atmosphere. Therefore, the chlorine in the water from your pool, cycled through the AquaZerve® irrigation circuit, will never reach the plant’s root system, or contaminate the soil. We conducted experiments by watering various plants, shrubs, trees, even country club golf course turf, directly from the swimming pool AquaZerve through irrigation bubblers. Contrary to popular belief, using chlorinated pool water on live vegetation was not only safe but also proved to be 100% successful. AquaZerve® pool owners irrigate beautiful vegetable gardens and fruit trees as well. Since 2003, we have watered thousands of plants of all sizes, observing their healthy growth, without any adverse effects.

Q: Is AquaZerve® expensive?
A: No. But wasting water is expensive.
Water was never cheap. And normal evaporation will always be with us. But with AquaZerve you now have 100% utilization of the water you purchase from the water company. Prior to AquaZerve®, pool owners paid for thousands of gallons they could not recycle, periodically putting it down the drain, only to replace it with thousands of gallons of new water they would eventually put down the drain again. Now you not only enjoy a fresh, healthy, and sparkling pool, you also enjoy irrigating local area plants with “free” recycled water that will make your plants thrive. With AquaZerve® you will never go through the inconvenience or expense of wasting water or having to drain your pool again.

Q: How do I get the AquaZerve System for my pool?
A: The AquaZerve® System pays for itself and is installed and monitored by your swimming pool service and pool cleaning company.
We partnered with your local Pool Service Company so you could join the thousands of satisfied AquaZerve® Pool Users who enjoy the benefits of our unique system. Since 2003 we have designed and improved the AquaZerve® device to be easily installed by your pool maintenance professional who services your pool now. Your Tech will also monitor the system monthly and adjust the flow as necessary to ensure its efficient performance and operation. Your monthly AquaZerve® Water System fee is conveniently included in your monthly pool service statement. Our standard five-year warranty includes all workmanship or factory defects. We will periodically replace the filter cartridge, the cost of which is already included in your service. (See Warranty Statement) You can always count on your pool service professional and AquaZerve® to be there to ensure optimum water savings, high performance, lush landscape, and the crystal-clear condition of your pool. Call your pool service company and start saving today!

Join us in making a difference and insure a brighter future for our environment.
AquaZerve®: Saving money, protecting pools, and nurturing nature